"SOS Children's Villages" Foundation and AraratBank signed a cooperation agreement

"SOS Children's Villages" Foundation and AraratBank signed a cooperation agreement

On December 8, the agreement was signed between Spartak Sargsyan, National Director of SOS-Children's Villages and Mher Ananyan, Chairman of the Executive Board of ARARATBANK OJSC within the framework of which the bank will finance the canteen of Day Care Centre of "Socioeconomic Integration of Syrian-Armenian Families in Yerevan" project for one year.

SOS Armenia is implementing the project "Socioeconomic Integration of Syrian-Armenian Families in Yerevan" from 1 October 2019 to 31 December 2023, which aims to improve the socio-economic integration of Yerevan-based, vulnerable Syrian-Armenian families who have fled Syria into Armenian society. The direct target group of the project consists of 400 vulnerable Syrian-Armenian families. The objectives of the Project is to improve the psychosocial situation of beneficiary families, develop the employability skills of socio-economically marginalised Syrian-Armenian families, improve the level of education of Syrian-Armenian children and ensure their integration into the Armenian education system, ensure that the rights of Syrian Armenians with regard to socio-economic participation are effectively represented, strengthen the skills of local government and civil society professionals in working with vulnerable groups.


In order to make easier for project participants with children to take up economic activities and to support the integration of the children through high-quality education and care, SOS Armenia has set up a Day Care Centre with two groups for a total of 50 children: (20 pre-school children aged between 3-6 and 30 schoolchildren aged between 7-11 years).